No more Spam and cold Calling: This is how you invite Customers to join you
Since we have defined your target group and their water holes in the first part of our series of articles: “This is how your potential customers get the best out of your products”, you can now place your advertising in a targeted manner. We’ll show you how to do it now.
You lack the attention of your potential customers and without them your product or service will not be seen. Even if a prospect visits your website or enters your store, that doesn’t mean that prospect will also become your customer.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your marketing worked and you achieved a high conversion with manageable expenses, customers trusted your shop and thereby bought from you in a big way?
Do these beliefs seem familiar to you? Do you sometimes catch yourself with one or more of these settings? Few founders are born as such and have the “right” mindset from day # 1.
It is completely understandable if you feel overwhelmed at the beginning in view of the challenges that could be facing you. Many people are also afraid of change or an early failure of the idea.
Advertising that generates Attention
Paying attention to your product leads to customer perception and ultimately to the click. From the first click on your homepage, trust can build up until it comes to shopping.
It is the same if you offer a service in an office or have a stationary shop. The customer also looks around first and only then decides whether to buy or accept your offer.
To get attention, you have to provide your target group with information about your product. This is usually done through advertising. Since we have defined your target group and their water holes in the first part, you can now place your advertising in a targeted manner.
Online Advertising with decisive Advantages
The enormous advantage of online advertising, regardless of whether it is Facebook, Instagram and Google Ads or other advertising on the Internet, is the measurability. You get exact data, how much you spend, your reach and how many users ultimately buy from you. You can also check after a fairly short time which channels are particularly efficient and which only cause costs but do not bring you any profit.
You can also offer cooperation to operators of websites, podcast providers or blogs that appeal to your target group. For example, you could provide your fishing line to blog operators for free and they’ll mention it in their next post. With an individual voucher code or a specially made landing page you can also monitor the success or failure of each individual project.
Approach slowly, offer Added Value first
Now that you have potential customers on your website, it is important not to overwhelm them right away. You have to build trust first to be sure that you want to pass on money and personal information here.
If you offer your customers added value before they shop, they will be more willing to buy from you or to book your services. There are several options for this, which of course also vary depending on the sector in which you are active.
If you offer online training, a book or videos, you can make the first hour, the first pages or the first video available free of charge. This enables you to convince your customers of your product with little effort.
For physical products, you can provide your customers with reviews or videos showing your product in action. There are also short articles that may be a little apart from your core product. For example, your angling lore could learn more about fishing in general, new fishing spots or upcoming events from you. In addition, detailed product images and product descriptions are extremely important.
Retargeting – With multiple impressions for advertising success
Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, the majority of your website visitors will not shop or anything like that. It is therefore an advantage to secure your email address or other contact details in advance. You can achieve this by requesting the email for the added value you offer. Otherwise, you can also offer to subscribe to a newsletter and offer your prospective customers a discount coupon for their next purchase.
With the e-mail address you can, in turn, lure the prospective customers to your site through personal emails or offers. Only they already know your site and have already had a good experience with your offers, otherwise you would not have the contact details. As a result, they are now more likely to buy your product or service.
You can also mark your visitors with cookies and pixels. This marking allows you to address them with targeted advertising. This tag allows you to target them with targeted advertising. Until they ultimately become your customers. It can also be used to save shopping baskets from customers who have not yet completed their shopping or who are frequently viewing items viewed by the visitor on the home page. Another advantage is that the costs are low.
So it is a long way to find customers for your product. Above all, generating attention cheaply is a crucial point for doing cost-effective marketing. At the Tech Startup School, you will have an experienced team at your side to support you in this task. This gives you the opportunity to develop your business model for your start-up in eight weeks.